
Book an Appointment

Current MSP

Select 'New MSP' to book a session with an MSP of your choice. Select 'Current MSP' to continue the session with the existing professional.. Choose option 1 to change your existing MSP for the next session. MSP denotes Mental Strength Professional ® .

Know About Matrrix

Matrrix (Pune, India), is a Life Leadership Coach Training and Executive Coaching firm that trains, coaches and mentors individuals to discover their hidden potential. Established in 2015, Matrrix offers several products and services in the areas of coaching, training, mentoring, coach supervision, counseling, exclusive certifications for Mindfulness and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), and more. Founder, Dr. Paras, is an award-winning coach of international repute who has worked extensively to offer these products and services globally.

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